Poll in published in 2000
According to a poll published in January 2000. It showed that two-thirds of parents think discipline has declined over the
past ten years, while only one in ten believe it has improved.
The opinion poll showed 51% of parents think reintroduction of corporal punishment is the answer to the problem. Among
working class parents 60% are in favour, but the proportion falls to 40% among middle class parents.
70.2% say YES to corporal punishment in schools
Mister Poll 68% say YES
Supernanny Poll 22% say YES, 41% say Yes sometimes
75% of the National Association of Head Teachers were in favour
In 1981, 75 percent of the National Association of Head Teachers were in favour of corporal punishment and yet it was abolished
in 1986.
FDS survey finds 51% in favour
Headmaster takes 'right to smack' to the high court
Schools demand right to corporal punishment
parents in the UK want a return of corporal punishment, to deter disruptive pupils.